We are lucky to have the fabulous Nicky Xandora talking at our next Thrive event in September.

Nicky is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), a practice that centres around how we feel about ourselves and others, and how the world is influenced by our thoughts, and (mostly) unconscious rules. Quite a few of these will have been put together when we were very small and probably lacking in emotional maturity.

As a result of the above, how we approach situations might become based on a combination of past experiences and the present. In order to behave rationally and flexibly, we need to distinguish between the past 'stuff' and what is actually to do with the current situation. The Thrive event will give participants the chance to explore this way of thinking around common topics that might question:
- How do we feel about our work?
- Is it easy to prioritise and to avoid procrastination?
- Do we allow ourselves space to create?
- When it comes to interacting with others, is it always easy to stand our ground, to say 'no' if need be and to value ourselves and what we produce?
- Do we fall prey to old messages from the past which might tell us that we don't deserve.. that we are not as good as.... that we should, or shouldn't xyz...
The above questions are to get the ball rolling and are centred around common themes that crop up time and time again. There will also be the opportunity to anonymously submit topics that individuals would like to address, the chances are someone else in the room will be worrying about the same thing!

Let's figure some of this out together and become more able to set appropriate and self-compassionate boundaries. Let's start to develop behaviours where we might not automatically take our own 'inner-critic's' advice! Instead we might nurture some new rules to follow which are more flexible, possibly even more playful, and that allow us to be more at ease with ourselves in the pursuit of our goals.
This is just one of the fantastic sessions included in the Thrive day on Tuesday 24 September 2024. Tickets are just £26 for the day. If you would like to find out more, or book a ticket, visit Thrive Day Retreat